Solving all of the issues that exist when getting away from the OEM seat and getting into something far more comfortable on those long drives
This is where we are currently in the development cycle for mounting scheel-mann seats into the 5th Gens.

It’s very likely that most of the requests we have been getting for a better seating solution have been for the 5th Gen 4Runner.
Although we currently have solutions for the 2nd/3rd Gen Tacoma, the FJ Cruiser, and the 4th Gen 4Runner driver seat, we knew we needed to attack the 5th Gen 4Runners.
As of now, the 5th Gen seat mounting solutions for scheel-mann seats are well underway and about to go into pre-production for final testing. The process to make this happen is very time consuming so each new variation involves its own sets of challenges. For one, we actually need the vehicle on site and be able to take things apart so that we can start the 3D scanning process. That then involves many hours of making it into an accurate file we can build onto. From here it’s just about making the seat pan that does what we want it to do. That’s the tougher part. We do not just make simple strap steel mounts and ignore the dash error codes.

After 3D scanning the floor pan, seat bottom, and mounting rails, the next order of business is to convert those all into a file we can work with in CAD, and from there, do a preliminary mounting platform to make sure we took care that all measurements were accurate.
The best way to verify and test is to do a 3D print of the rail mounting and see where we are off. Once all the measurements are verified its time to consider all the seating options and accessories to make sure we don't miss anything.

-We look to solve problems for the installer.
Now that we have a 2021 SR5 4Runner at our disposal, time to get the mounting figured out
The 2/3rd Gen Tacoma’s upgraded seating has been figured out, along with the FJ Cruiser. Now it’s time to see what needs to be done to get a scheel-mann seat installed. Turns out it’s a very different setup from the Tacoma. We needed to figure out the load-sensor mounting issue first and go from there. Production of the seat mounts all while making sure there are zero dash/warning lights that pop up.
The 5th Gens have a very different seat mounting then the 4th Gens do. The 4th Gens are similar to the Tacoma. We want to make sure we design it in such a way that ticks everyone’s boxes for what they want/expect in a upgraded seat option.

Rounding the corner on 5th Gen development
Now that the holidays are over and we have started a New Year, we can finally focus more on the new products we will be introducing coming up shortly. One of those products is the seat mounting for the 5th Gen 4Runner, and the best part is it works for scheel-mann's Vario line of heated seats but also their Vario KLIMA line of heated AND cooled seats.
We have been testing with several 5th Gens from different years, with and without factory heat, and with and without powered seats. The idea is to check all the boxes.
If you have been craving a scheel-mann seat into your 4Runner, and never thought it would be possible, WHILE keeping the dash lights off after the seat upgrade, now we have you covered.
Exact timing is to be determined but we are working feverishly to get them ready.